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LASIK eye surgery has gained immense popularity over the recent years as it is an effective, affordable and preferred solution to escape the life-long dependency on glasses or contact lenses. Yes, LASIK is the world’s most completely integrated, fully customized and advanced vision correction technology to treat nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism and presbyopia. It is absolutely pain-free and involves the use of a highly specialized excimer laser. This high power excimer laser creates a corneal flap and gently reshapes the cornea to the desired curvature and corrects refractive imperfections in the eye. It is indeed fast, safe and proven to deliver exceptional vision quality.

The Procedure

First your ophthalmologist applies numbing drops and with an instrument called lid speculum holds your eyelids open. A special thin blade known as the microkeratome or a femtosecond laser is used to create an extremely precise corneal flap on the eye’s surface to access the inner corneal tissue. The corneal flap is then lifted and folded back. A highly specialized laser energy ablates microscopic amounts of tissue from the cornea, reshapes it and corrects vision imperfections. The corneal flap is then repositioned and aligned to its original position with the help of special instruments. A bandage contact lens is then placed over the eye to promote quick healing and ensure comfort. The flap heals naturally and securely within a few hours.

The Symptoms

You may need a Lasik surgery if

  • You have mild to moderate levels of nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism

The Eligibility

To be eligible for a LASIK surgery you should fulfil the following criteria

  • Must be 18 years of age and have a stable vision for at least one year prior to the procedure
  • Have healthy eyes with adequate corneal tissue thickness
  • Must possess good general health
  • Should not suffer from any significant eye disease
  • Should not have any eye infection or injury
  • Must not be a pregnant or nursing mother
  • Have realistic expectations as to what your vision will be like after the procedure

The Risks Involved

Sight-threatening complications are extremely rare as LASIK is one of the safest procedures in the world. Corneal infection or inflammation is the most serious risk associated with LASIK. Antibiotic eye drops can prevent the risk of infection during the early stage of healing. Other complications include under correction, over correction, corneal flap healing problems, pain or discomfort, persistent dry eyes or visual aberrations. Foreign body sensation, sandy-gritty irritation and fluctuating vision are also potential LASIK risks. However, most of the complications are resolved within three months and do not result in long-term interference with vision.

The Impact

Patients experienced improved symptoms after surgery with an extremely high satisfaction rate. You will enjoy much better vision after LASIK and a greatly reduced dependence on glasses or contacts. Though LASIK results are permanent it cannot prevent the development of presbyopia, an age-related condition in which the lens loses its elasticity.

Millions of people across the globe take the advantage of the LASIK eye surgery to enjoy the freedom from expensive prescription glasses and fiddly-to-handle contact lenses. The exceptionally impressive results achieved have made LASIK the most commonly used technique for vision correction worldwide. Have your vision permanently corrected with LASIK! For a high definition vision clarity - go for LASIK surgery.

This clinic is part of S10 Health Network
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