Laser Curettage

Periodontal disease is a serious infection and inflammation of the tissues that surround and support the teeth. Swollen and bleeding gums are an indication that that the tissue is dying and infection is setting in. If left untreated, the infection can spread and cause irreversible damage to the structures that support your teeth in the jaw bone. Laser curettage is a conservative, non-surgical treatment for treating patients with moderate to aggressive periodontal disease. Get rid of bacterial infection in gingival pockets with laser curettage!

The Procedure
Traditional scaling is done to remove the tartar above and below the gum line. If your condition is severe, a root planing may be performed to smooth out any irregularities in the roots of the teeth. The dentist then uses a laser to selectively remove diseased or infected tissues lining the pockets around your teeth. Laser operates at a perfect wavelength smart enough to differentiate between the diseased tissue and the healthy tissue. The power and intensity of the laser beam kills the bacteria lodged in the deep pockets and in the lining of the gums. The lasers can also promote healing and enhance tissue regeneration and to some extent, bone as well.

The Ideal Candidate
You are an ideal candidate for laser curettage if you

  • Have gums that are red, puffy or tender
  • Have gums that bleed when brushing or flossing
  • Have teeth that appear longer because of gum recession
  • Have gums that have pulled away from your teeth, causing pockets
  • Suffer from persistent bad breath
  • Have discharge of pus from your gums
  • Find that your teeth do not fit together properly due to a misaligned bite

The Time Frame
The laser curettage procedure takes approximately one hour.

The Side effects
The laser has the potential for deeper penetration. Hence, thermal damage to the underlying tissues from low-powered lasers is believed to be the most harmful side effect of laser curettage.

The Risks Involved
There is a risk of clinically significant collateral damage within the gingival sulcus.

The Recovery
It is important that you indulge in good oral hygiene habits following a laser curettage. In addition to soft brushing and careful flossing, you are advised to avoid spicy or grainy foods that might irritate the healing gum tissues. Oral rinses and irrigation can begin immediately, but light swishing is recommended for the first few days.

The Impact
The predictable results are that the deep periodontal pockets decrease considerably by about 50%. This allows the toothbrush and floss to be much more effective and the result is long-term periodontal stability and optimal oral health. Laser curettage performed adjunctively with scaling provides additional benefits for periodontal disease.

Gum disease is one of the trickiest aspects to oral health. It tends to strike silently with most of the destructive activity occurring below the gum line. If you have a ‘pocket’ full of bacteria its time you approach your dentist for a laser curettage. Yes, if ‘bad stuff’ like bacteria caused by gum disease gets around, it can wreak havoc on your whole body! Remember, a healthy mouth can ward off a host of serious medical disorders.

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