

Health Benefits 2

Health Benefits 2

Barley contains about three times as much fiber per serving as oats. Barley is particularly rich in a type of soluble fiber known as beta glucan, which is recognized for its cholesterol-lowering abilities. Barley is also a good or excellent source of several vitamins and minerals.

Better Heart Health in Week

Better Heart Health in Week

Researchers eager to learn more about the heart benefits recently took a look at data collected in the original dash study. They used blood samples from the participant's different diet groups, they ran newer tests that can detect levels of heart strain, heart muscle injury, and total body inflammation.

Tips for Better Health

Tips for Better Health

Instead of a bowl of cereal for breakfast (which is a processed food), have plain low-fat yogurt and a big serving of thawed berries with a sprinkling of nuts. Make your healthy breakfast out of foods you enjoy eating that are available to you and that also happens to be good for you.

Why a Diabetic Should Switch to Green Tea

Why a Diabetic Should Switch to Green Tea

Several studies have been conducted to understand the effect of green tea on people suffering from type 2 diabetes and you will be surprised to know that most of them showed a positive result

Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

The small, black seeds are among the richest plant sources of the omega-3 fatty acid known as alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). Diets high in ALA have been linked to a lower risk of heart disease. Chia seeds are also high in insoluble fiber, which may help lower harmful LDL cholesterol levels.

Health Benefits of Barley

Health Benefits of Barley

Barley contains about three times as much fiber per serving as oats. Barley is particularly rich in a type of soluble fiber known as beta glucan, which is recognized for its cholesterol-lowering abilities. Barley is also a good or excellent source of several vitamins and minerals.

Food is Fuel Not Therapy

Food is Fuel Not Therapy

e heard you 👂 and here’s what you can do for it ⬇️ 🍦🍨Some people cope with difficult and stressful situations by reaching out for comfort food. Chowing down on ice cream, cakes or macaroni and cheese can make everything seem like it's going to be really okay. This is called emotional eating!

Dr.Dominic Dobson

Dr.Dominic Dobson

Being the 2nd Doctor to complete Master’s Degree (M.D) - Sports Medicine in India, Dr. Dominic Dobson has been a Sports Physician in several National and International Sporting events, including World Series Hockey, National Badminton Championships and the National Rowing championship.

Athlete's Foot

Athlete's Foot

In daily life our foot endures force and compression comparable to hundreds of loads, which is why it is important to keep them healthy and clean.People often forget about their feet which in turn leads to foot problems causing bacteria and fungus infection.

Have you heard of a “silent disease” which causes your bones to break?

Have you heard of a “silent disease” which causes your bones to break?

In men and women, the density of bones begin to diminish from an early age of 30. Inactive lifestyle is the most important factor which induces early ageing causing chronic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, etc. Physical activities help in reducing or reversing the risk of frail bones and chronic diseases.

How to reduce the chances of having pain?

How to reduce the chances of having pain?

Are you facing different types of body pain each day? Are you searching for the reason why you get pain and how to reduce the chances of having pain?

HiPer Certification for Physiotherapist

HiPer Certification for Physiotherapist

HiPer Certification for Physiotherapist

Sports in India has reached a whole new level

Sports in India has reached a whole new level

It’s no longer restricted to the few that Indian television and media have long covered or the selected few who play them. With various international sports channels available at households, Indians are increasingly following sports played across the globe. Sports clubs and sporting platforms are beginning to make inroads into the social fabric of the Indian society. People now engage in sports not just for passion, but also for fitness, relaxation or it’s simply a way to spend with friends and acquaintances.

What is Biomechanics?

What is Biomechanics?

Biomechanical analysis identifies the main cause of any injury or weakness in your body.When a specialist accurately understands the mobility of an injured person, he or she can advise the right strategies to aid them and prevent a relapse.In all, a biomechanical analysis is a scientific, objective and evidence-based service that formulates a tailored, effective program for each individual.

Scientific Weight Management

Scientific Weight Management

There was a time when fad diets, extreme (unsupervised)fasting, hot belts, ‘magic’ slimming powders and potions; held a fond spot in the lives of the weight loss ‘wanter’.

This clinic is part of S10 Health Network
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