Male Infertility


Male infertility is not uncommon and can affect a couple’s chance of pregnancy to a great extent as female infertility. Of one in five infertile couples who experience trouble in conceiving a baby, around 30% of the fertility issues lie solely in the male partner. Male infertility refers to the condition where a male adversely affects the chances of contributing to the conception of a fertile female partner.

The Procedure

The treatment options for male infertility include the following:

  • Varicocele, a dilation of a vein in the scrotum can be surgically corrected and repaired
  • Infections in the reproductive tract can be treated by administering antibiotics
  • Medication and counselling for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation
  • Assisted reproductive technology
  • Hormone abnormalities can be treated with Hormone replacement therapy or medications
  • Blockage of the reproductive tract that causes an obstruction in the sperm transport can also be surgically rectified

However, if the male partner is not able to provide the adequate sperm sample on the day of the proposed procedure then the sperm is retrieved either through PESA or TESA.

PESA is the percutaneous sperm aspiration method performed under local anesthesia wherein the sperms are extracted with the help of a syringe and fine needle from the epididymis inside the scrotum.

TESA or testicular sperm aspiration is a non-surgical procedure to recover testicular sperm when the epididymis does not contain any sperm. This is done by sticking a needle into the testis to extract the sperm.

The Symptoms

Indications for a male infertility treatment include

  • Failure to ejaculate and inability to achieve an erection
  • Enlarged breast tissues
  • Wrinkled appearance of the male organ

The Eligibility

You are eligible for a male infertility treatment in the following cases

  • Inability to make the female partner pregnant despite 6 months of regular, unprotected sex
  • Lack of interest towards sex

The Risks Involved

Risks associated with male infertility treatments are very rare and may occur following surgery including infection, bruising or lack of efficacy with the procedure.

The Impact

Male infertility treatment often focuses on problems such as low libido or premature ejaculation. It greatly helps in boosting sperm production and increasing sperm motility and sex drive in males.

Male infertility causes are tied to a man’s masculinity. For most men male infertility embarrassment runs even deeper. There is absolutely no reason to suffer in silence. Advances in technology has allowed male infertility treatment experts to successfully treat most male infertility cases.

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