Tooth Extraction

Tooth extraction is a dental procedure that involves the removal of the tooth from the mouth. Removal of faulty tooth becomes absolutely essential when there is a decay and there is possibility of germs spreading to the healthy teeth as well. “One dirty fish can spoil the entire pond” This saying holds true in the case of teeth. Dental extraction is also performed when a person’s teeth are severely overcrowded, broken, afflicted by periodontal gum disease or have not erupted beyond the gum line. In short tooth extraction is indispensable to prevent the onset of serious complications.

The Procedure
A tooth extraction is done in two different ways

  1. Simple extraction is a method where the dentist will administer a local anesthetic shot and grasp the damaged tooth with a pair of forceps, loosen it and pull it out.
  2. Surgical extraction is opted when the tooth to be removed is not visible or reachable. A surgical extraction requires an incision to be made in the gum surrounding the tooth by administering a local anesthetic. However, patients with medical complications and children are given general anesthesia.

The Symptoms
Your doctor may recommend having one or several teeth to be extracted if they become impacted, overcrowded, cracked, broken or severely infected.

The Eligibility
You are an ideal candidate for a simple tooth extraction if you

  • Have experienced extensive degrees of tooth decay
  • Have tooth that has become infected beyond treatment
  • Have sustained an injury or traumatic blow that have caused the tooth to become ‘dead’
  • Have a wisdom tooth that is causing discomfort or compromising the health of the neighboring tooth or causing damage to the adjacent nerves and other structures of the mouth

The Risks Involved
Intense pain, swelling, bleeding, jaw stiffness, sinus problems and damage or displacement of tooth/tooth parts are the potential risks that can arise from a tooth extraction.

The Impact
After a dental extraction, a single missing tooth may cause the adjacent teeth to drift into the gap resulting in an unstable bite. Hence, the dentist may recommend restorative options to replace your missing tooth.

The sooner you catch a problem the better the chances of saving the tooth. Even if it has to be extracted it is not the end of all. Don’t let broken or diseased tooth continue to give you discomfort. Remember, tooth extraction is no more a nightmare. Thanks to the technological advances that have made the tooth extraction process quicker and far less painful. Yes, having your tooth “pulled” is no more a dreaded experience! It’s much easier than you have ever imagined!

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