Laser Gingivectomy

In periodontal disease, plaque-filled pockets are fenced between the teeth and gums. These pockets are a safe haven for the bacteria to hide and thrive. Over time, the pockets deepen and the gums gradually detach from the teeth. Pus forms in response to infection from invading bacteria and results in erosion of the bony socket housing the tooth. This causes the tooth to slowly loosen and eventually fall out. So stay alert for changes in your gums.  If you spot signs of gum disease it is important that you see your dentist right away! Laser gingivectomy helps save your teeth! Yes, Laser gingivectomy is designed to remove and reshape the infected and loose gum tissues, to make it healthier and aesthetically pleasing. Restore the health of your gums and reshape your gum line with gingivectomy!
The Procedure
Laser gingivectomy is relatively a simple procedure performed using a soft tissue diode laser. This laser operates at a specific wavelength that is easily absorbed by the gingival tissues. First, your Periodontist will administer a local anesthetic to numb the area. A highly focused laser beam is then used to remove the diseased gum tissue and reshape the gums. Finally, your Periodontist will place a temporary sealing substance over the gum line to protect the tissue while it heals. Lasers eliminate any remaining bacteria in the sulcus area, thereby reducing the likelihood of gum disease recurrence.
The Symptoms
You may need a Laser gingivectomy if your gums have pulled away from the teeth, creating deep pockets that become susceptible to periodontal disease.

The Eligibility
Eligible candidates for laser gingivectomy procedure are those who have undergone a less invasive gum disease treatment and still require additional intervention. In other words, if traditional treatments like antibiotic or scaling or root planning do not produce the expected results gingivectomy may be used in combination with these treatments to achieve maximum efficacy.
The Risks Involved
There is a risk of bleeding and blood stream infection, but these occur very rarely, if at all. There is also a possibility of mild post-operative pain and risk of causing teeth to weaken over time. The affected area may ooze blood for a day or two, but should eventually subside. In addition, tooth root exposure may result in sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures.


The Impact
Laser gingivectomy leaves a bloodless and sterile surgical field, the perfect conditions for optimal tissue healing. After a gingivectomy, it is also much easier for you to maintain your teeth and gums clean. This simple, straightforward technique reduces the pocket depth and improves the contours and aesthetics of the gum tissue. The end result will always leave you amazed with perfectly pink, firm and healthy gums.

Periodontal disease is the last thing you want to hear when you visit your dentist. Never continue with gum disease and end up losing your pearly whites. Remember, periodontal disease does not go away on its own, so get treated as soon as possible to save your teeth. Laser gingivectomy is likely to help stop gum disease provided you maintain excellent oral hygiene after surgery. Yes, a strong commitment to oral hygiene will ensure you excellent dental health for the years to come!


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