Diabetic Heart Disease

The term “diabetic heart disease” refers to the heart disease that develops in people who have diabetes. Diabetes is considered as the major contributor for the development of heart diseases. Compared with people who don’t have diabetes, people with diabetes are at a higher risk of developing heart diseases and strokes. Elevated levels of blood glucose overtime can lead to deposits of fatty materials on the inside of the blood vessel walls. These deposits can impair blood flow, resulting in heart problems and stroke.

Smoking, physical inactivity, being obese, poor eating habits and consumption of too much alcohol can set the stage for artery-damaging atherosclerosis and spur it onward. Hence, if you have diabetes, particularly Type II diabetes it is important to keep your blood sugar, blood pressure and lipid levels within the target range. To do this you have to engage in more physical activity, eat a healthy, balanced diet, maintain a healthy weight and quit smoking. Take small steps to improve your diabetes and protect your heart health.

Diabetes and heart disease - this intertwining is a bad thing, since developing diabetes usually means developing heart disease as well. Hence, the best way to prevent or delay the development of heart disease is to prevent diabetes itself!

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