Lumbar Stabilization

If you have a low back pain you are not alone. Four out of five adults experience significant low back pain at least once during their life time. Yes, low back pain is a common problem often caused due to overuse or misuse of the muscles of the back. Stabilizing and strengthening the back muscles can lead to a stronger back and provide the relief from low back pain. The lumbar stabilization program is an active form of physical therapy designed to teach you strengthening and flexibility in a pain-free range. When performed on a regular basis, these exercises can help keep your back strong and well-positioned. If you have back pain that flares up periodically, opt for a Lumbar stabilization program. Indeed, you will be amazed at the big payback you get from doing as little as ten minutes of stabilization exercises a day! Lumbar stabilization program – a great way to reduce pain, improve activities of daily living and enhance body awareness and posture!

The Procedure

Your Physical therapist will first help you identify your body’s most preferred posture, the “neutral posture”. It is a natural stress free position where your joints are not bent and your spine is aligned and not twisted. This is ideally the best position that minimizes pain. With the neutral spinal posture you are guided to perform a series of exercises in which the arms and/or legs are moved while the trunk, back, and pelvic muscles work hard to hold and maintain the spine in the neutral position. A variety of exercise positions are utilized including on the stomach, back, all fours, sitting and standing. As you progress the exercises are modified to make it more challenging. These exercises are to be performed on a regular basis in order to stretch, strengthen and mobilize the deep supporting muscles around the spine and help prevent lower back pain.

The Symptoms

You may need a Lumbar stabilization program to

  • Get relief from lower back pain
  • Heal soft-tissue injury, such as muscle strain and torn ligaments

The Eligibility

You are eligible for Lumbar stabilization program if you are intending to

  • Correct and improve postural alignment
  • Reduce the risk of back injury due to repetitive motions and poor exercise techniques
  • Gain control of the movements of the spine during daily activity, thus preventing injury
  • Improve mobility, functional strength and range of motion of the lumbar region

The Risks Involved

Stabilization exercises can be rather rigorous and therefore may not be well tolerated by all patients. It may be advisable for elderly patients or patients in significant pain to use other less strenuous means of physical therapy.

The Impact

Lumbar stabilization exercises have demonstrated positive effects in reducing pain, increasing mobility and ensuring faster return to activity. However, the result varies with person and often immediate results are noted with improved position and movement awareness. In case of chronic back ache it can take up to 3 months to realize the results of the exercise. Above all, you have to understand that there is no magic pill. You must be motivated and willing to dedicate the time required for stabilization training.

An episode of back pain can be physically disabling and can indeed make it impossible to stand up on your legs. Learn to find your “neutral spine” position which places the least stress on your back and maintain it subconsciously with a Lumbar stabilization program! It will definitely pay off with fewer injuries and less pain throughout your life! Get your back back to normal, with a Lumbar stabilization program!

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